Professional Master's Program

Master of Electrical & Computer Engineering


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As a Latin woman who has had multiple opportunities to grow and succeed in STEM, I love to get involved in activities that increase the global accessibility of science. For example, I create content at Neuromatch Academy, a non-profit organization providing training in theoretical and computational neuroscience. And I give talks to motivate young Mexican women to pursue careers in science and technology.

Itzel Olivos-Castillo

Research at the Scalable Health Labs has exposed me to the how in slowly closing gaps in healthcare. This is vital because my life goal is to help develop medical technology and bridge the gap by making these technologies accessible to underserved communities,

Morgan Brinson

Growing up I was always passionate about physics but was often disappointed that there weren’t many people who looked like me in the field. I knew I would become a professor of physics and a role model for other black students. The GEM Fellowship will help me give back to my community and inspire the next generation of black students to pursue careers in academia.

Johaun Hatchett


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