New for 2021 - Rice Electrical and Computer engineering introduces two new courses that will be taught both online and in-person this spring.
ELEC 677 - Multi-Agent Dynamic Systems, is a new course offered at Rice that provides a solid foundation for understanding and controlling the underlying dynamics behind phenomena of systems. A fleet of mobile robots, a flock of birds, a network of sensors, a group of friends on social media - these are all examples of multi-agent systems capable of generating macroscale collective behavior based on very simple localized rules of interaction. Professor in the Practice, Saad Saleh will be leading this course.
ELEC 487/582 - Imaging Optics Course studies the physical principles and system approach to analyze optical imaging systems. The course offers students with an interest in ELEC, PHYS, BIOE, MECH, and NEURO a hand-on optics experience. Imaging Optics will be taught by Lan Luan.